Here you will find vetted beauty professionals for your on and off set hair and makeup needs
Artist availability may vary. Please request via BBR Support Pagebbr class
Education is at the root of meaningful change
Master classes and workshops built to support, train, and enlighten aspiring beauty professionals and Industry pros.
Runway + Editorial Trends
An inspiring deep dive into the artistry, techniques, and trends that have solidified M·A·C’s place as a true force in the beauty industry — featuring the renowned Global Director of Artistry, Romero Jennings.
This Masterclass will spotlight M·A·C's behind-the-scenes influence, highlighting its commitment to inclusion and artistry across generations.
Sir John
Learn more on what it takes to advance your career as makeup artist to the stars, Sir John takes you through creating the looks that get you booked and understanding culture.
Larry Sims
Learn the intricacies and do’s and don’ts of all things textured hair from acclaimed celebrity hairstylist.