The Right Way to Expand Your Foundation Shade Range: A Guide for Beauty Brands


Expanding your foundation shade range is more than just adding colors to your product line. It's about embracing genuine inclusivity and addressing the diverse needs of your customers. Recent incidents, such as the backlash faced by Youthforia for their ill-conceived dark foundation launch, highlight the pitfalls of getting it wrong. Here is a full comprehensive guide for beauty brands on the best practices for expanding their foundation ranges effectively and inclusively.

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Why Do Brands Expand Foundation Ranges Only After Backlash?

Before diving into the how-to, it’s essential to understand why many brands seem to only expand their shade ranges in response to public criticism. In our previous article, "Why Do Brands Expand Foundation Ranges Only After Backlash?", we explored the reactive nature of some beauty companies. Often, these expansions come across as disingenuous or rushed, leading to further alienation of the very consumers they aim to include. To avoid these pitfalls, inclusivity should be a proactive and integral part of your brand values from the outset.

The Importance of Genuine Inclusivity

True inclusivity in cosmetics is about more than just adding darker or lighter shades. It requires an understanding of the nuances of skin tones and the cultural significance attached to them. Here are some reasons why genuine inclusivity matters:

  1. Authentic Customer Engagement: Consumers can tell when inclusivity is an afterthought. Genuine engagement builds trust and loyalty.
  2. Market Expansion: A diverse product line opens doors to broader markets, offering potential for increased revenue.
  3. Brand Reputation: Being known as a truly inclusive brand strengthens your market position and differentiates you from competitors.

Steps to Expand Your Foundation Shade Range the Right Way

To guide beauty brands in expanding their foundation ranges correctly, we’ve outlined a step-by-step process that ensures inclusivity while being cost-effective.

Step 1: Conduct Comprehensive Market Research

  • Diverse Customer Consultation: Engage with a broad spectrum of customers across different skin tones and undertones. Use surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews to gather insights.
  • Analyze Competitors: Look at successful brands that have been praised for their inclusivity. Understand what they did right and how their approach can inform your strategy.

A great example would be:
Maybelline: With the release of their Fit Me foundation line, Maybelline aimed to provide shades for everyone. They continuously update their range based on customer feedback and market research, ensuring they stay relevant and inclusive.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of the cultural and regional preferences and significance of different skin tones.

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Step 2: Collaborate with Experts

  • Hire Diverse Teams: Ensure your product development team includes people who understand the complexities of different skin tones and undertones.
  • Consult with Makeup Artists: Work with professional makeup artists who have experience with a diverse clientele. Their expertise in color theory and application is invaluable.
  • Engage Dermatologists: Collaborate with dermatologists to ensure your formulations are suitable for all skin types and tones.

Step 3: Develop a Broad and Balanced Range
  • Cover All Undertones: Beyond just light to dark, ensure your shades cover various undertones such as warm, cool, and neutral. This addresses the common issue where a foundation is either too ashy or too orange for the intended skin tone.
  • Test Extensively: Use real people with different skin tones to test your products. Avoid relying solely on lab testing or models with standard skin types.
  • Iterative Development: Be open to feedback and ready to make iterative improvements based on real-world use and reviews.

Step 4: Launch Thoughtfully

  • Inclusive Marketing Campaigns: Your marketing should reflect the diversity of your product line. Use models and influencers of various ethnicities and skin tones.
  • Transparent Communication: Be upfront about your process and the effort you put into creating an inclusive range. This transparency builds trust with your audience.

A great example would be:

Rare Beauty: Founded by Selena Gomez, Rare Beauty has been transparent about its development process, sharing behind-the-scenes looks at how they developed their shade range. They frequently post updates and stories about their commitment to inclusivity, making their customers feel involved and valued

  • Educate Your Consumers: Provide resources and guides on how to find the right shade and undertone from your range.

Step 5: Post-Launch Evaluation and Iteration

  • Gather Feedback: Actively seek customer feedback after launch to identify any gaps or issues with your shade range.
  • Be Ready to Adjust: Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments and improvements. Show your customers that their input is valued and acted upon.
  • Regular Updates: Continually review and update your shade range to keep up with evolving customer needs and preferences.

Final Thoughts

Expanding your foundation shade range is a significant step towards inclusivity, but it must be done thoughtfully and genuinely. By consulting with a diverse range of real customers, collaborating with experts, and committing to continuous improvement, beauty brands can create products that truly cater to everyone.

Remember, inclusivity isn't just a trend—it's the future of the beauty industry. By embedding these principles into your product development process, you'll not only avoid backlash but also build a brand that stands out for all the right reasons.

Need Help Expanding Your Shade Range?

If you're looking for expert guidance on how to expand your foundation range inclusively and effectively, contact us today. Our team of DEI specialists and industry experts are here to help you create products that truly resonate with a diverse audience.



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