Tir Tir & Youthforia: What Do They Have in Common? A Tale of Two Brands

inclusive beauty brands and backlash

Recently, Youthforia and Tir Tir, two distinct brands, faced public scrutiny over their foundation offerings. Despite this common problem, their responses to the criticism diverged in remarkable ways, offering valuable lessons for brands striving to meet diverse consumer needs. This tale of two brands reveals not only their unique strategies in handling feedback but also provides insights every company can learn from.

Youthforia's Rocky Response

Youthforia, a trendy startup that launched in 2021, gained quick fame with its claim of "makeup you can sleep in." Their innovative approach caught the eye of "Shark Tank" investor Mark Cuban, but their journey hit a snag in October 2023 when they launched their Date Night Skin Tint with 15 shades.

The initial excitement turned into disappointment as many customers found the range lacking, particularly for those with deeper skin tones. Despite offering a range of shades, the options did not adequately cover deeper skin tones, leading to widespread criticism.


In March 2024, Youthforia attempted to rectify the situation by adding 10 new shades. However, the response was far from positive. One prominent creator harshly criticized the deepest shade, comparing it to black ink or even blackface paint. This reaction underscored the product’s inadequacies and raised serious concerns about the brand’s understanding of diversity.

Tir Tir’s Swift Redemption

Meanwhile, Tir Tir, a well-established Korean beauty brand founded in 2016, faced similar challenges but took a different route. Known for their innovative skincare, Tir Tir launched their cushion foundation in May 2023. Soon after, influencer Missdarcie pointed out that the deepest shade was not nearly dark enough, sparking a wave of feedback from consumers with darker skin tones. Tir Tir responded quickly and decisively.


Instead of merely expanding their range superficially, they collaborated directly with Missdarcie and other influencers to develop 10 new, deeper shades. By May 2024, these new shades were available, receiving rave reviews from the community. This thoughtful and inclusive approach helped Tir Tir's cushion foundation soar to the #1 spot on Amazon worldwide, showcasing the brand's ability to adapt and grow.

However, it's important to note that Tir Tir focused on the deepest shades that garnered the most reaction. By concentrating on these shades while not adequately addressing the full spectrum from medium to medium-deep and everything in between, it raises the question of whether this was a marketing gimmick rather than a genuine effort for clear inclusion.

What Makes the Difference?

The contrasting experiences of Youthforia and Tir Tir offer clear insights into how brands can effectively navigate consumer criticism:

Speed and Adaptability: Youthforia’s expansion efforts, while well-intentioned, highlighted the challenges that new, smaller brands might face. Their journey underscores the importance of deep understanding and expertise in product development. In contrast, Tir Tir’s quick and effective response showcased how established brands could leverage their resources to adapt swiftly and successfully.

Engagement and Collaboration: Tir Tir’s success was amplified by their proactive engagement with influencers and consumers. By involving those who provided constructive feedback, they created products that genuinely met diverse needs. Youthforia’s experience suggests the value of deeper collaboration and ongoing dialogue with their customer base to better understand and meet their expectations.

Strategic Focus on Quality: Regardless of a brand's size, both Youthforia and Tir Tir have underscored that delivering high-quality products is essential. Their recent experiences show that expanding foundation shade ranges is not just about increasing options but also ensuring those options meet the highest standards. Tir Tir's swift addition of new shades and Youthforia's efforts to address feedback both highlight the critical importance of combining quality with inclusivity right from the start. This commitment ensures that all consumers feel represented and satisfied with the products they use.

Genuine Inclusion, No Gimmicks: Genuine inclusion is key. Brands must move beyond superficial fixes and marketing tactics to truly understand and meet the diverse needs of their consumers. Tir Tir’s initial focus on reactionary shades, while successful, should be viewed with a critical eye to ensure their efforts are genuinely inclusive and not just a strategic marketing move.

Lessons for the Beauty Industry

These two tales offer valuable lessons for beauty brands facing similar challenges. Engaging with and listening to feedback from diverse voices is crucial. Quick, effective responses to consumer needs can turn potential setbacks into powerful opportunities for growth and brand loyalty.

For more insights on how to effectively expand your shade range and connect with a diverse consumer base, check out our detailed guide on The Right Way to Expand Your Shade Range: A Guide for Beauty Brands.

Interested in personalized guidance? Explore our DEI consulting opportunities to help your brand master shade range expansion and better serve your diverse audience. Contact us today.



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